A Chat with Sacha Stone on the Mission, Framework and Future of the New Earth Nation: Part Three of Three

DM: Once people come to grips with this sort of information and do feel that they’re ready to step into the New Earth Nation, what would they need to do in practical terms, in terms of joining physically in the locations of the New Earth? What would it take from their end, would it be contributing their time or paying somehow? How would that take place?

SS: Respectfully, they would have been required to have at least read the template and studied that portal whereupon that kind of question would be a moot subject. And I mean that, not to be disparaging, because what you’re saying is an issue for us. We have a lot of people being fairly superfluous and reading the surface of who and what we are, being attracted to the shallow notion of sovereignty and consciousness, and then reaching out and saying “help me.”

And the answer is no, absolutely not. This is not a charity; help yourself. If you want to engage with the New Earth then at least have the courtesy toward yourself to study the metric that has been painstakingly laid out there by many, many people, hundreds of people over decades. So, you know, spend a day, two days reading everything that’s there. Certainly the template is the ABC and that will answer those questions.

But yeah the exchange, in short, is that you bring self, actualized self, into the New Earth Nation and the New Earth Nation gives you the platform upon which you can prosper and bloom. And all the rest of it, all the fancy science of how we trade resources and assets and ideas, all of that is self-righting. It works itself out through the zero-point social ecology, because in that space there is no one standing over anyone else. This is not some communist whacko concept where we all trundle around in grey cardigans grinning at each other. It is not a transhumanist, eugenics concept. It is quite the opposite. We’re talking about re-engaging with the organic premise of being human and taking ourselves out of the artifice of the so-called civilization.

DM: Definitely the blueprint and templates that have been posted on the website are a good place for people to start. Go and plow through it all in a few days….

SS: And you see Dan, the point here is really about “what do you want?” as the newcomer, whoever the newcomer is. What do you want? You tell us. What do you envision? Bring that majesty, bring that expression, bring that dream, bring that fantasy, and bring that improbability. Bring it to this space. This space is that playing field, is that sub-space vacuum that will allow for anything and everything to emerge and manifest, provided it’s in attunement with pure truth. If it is in attunement with pure truth it will resonate to the people and the situations and the circumstances around it will conspire toward manifesting it. That’s a beautiful thing if you think about it. It means that righteousness really finds its feet.

This is what is meant in the old biblical message of “the meek will inherit the Earth.” It is a quantum phenomena and a quantum certainty that the highest tone in the symphony will ultimately draw all the bass tones toward it. The highest frequency in the room will draw all the bass frequencies, ultimately, up toward it. They do not fall down toward the bass frequencies. The laws of gravity do not apply in the quanta.

DM: It seems this would build upon what you said earlier. Eventually we’re hoping that the New Earth Nation as a description like that is done away with when people step into this kind of thinking.

SS: Yes, indeed. The very last thing I am wishing to see, in seven years time or ten years time, is thousands of fractal communities dotting the landscape. The fractal communities are a stunningly beautiful concept, which we’ve initialized in order to begin the process of re-engaging with ceremony and people engaging with the elemental and telluric intelligence of the Earth. Re-engaging their feet with the real magnetic properties of inner Earth. So, the fractal community model, if you study it, is based on the water molecule, sacred geometry and the sacred om. This is all about helping us to get back into attunement with the Earth, which is the crystal coding so to speak, which is the transduced solar coding so to speak, which in turn was the transduced galactic coding, meaning to say the Jacob’s ladder, our umbilical cord to the vibral mind of source. It’s all there, it’s all here in the present and we can access it all through the quanta. But we have to actuate the quantum ourselves. We have to participate in this revelation. It’s not something which will be gifted to us, we have to participate in it.

So moving out of a toxic city grid and moving into a fractal community in Chile, or in Mexico, or in Mozambique means that you are already making a determination to step outside of time, money and fear and engage with the other. And the other is the absence of fear, and the absence of fear begets love and fellowship. All of that begets wellness, and begets prosperity and abundance. And all the rest follows as a mathematical certainty. But we need to engage in that. That sacrament has to come from us and not from some godless priest trying to stick something in our mouths.

DM: That would most likely be the best thing that someone could do to aid the progress of this endeavor, is to participate and engage?

SS: Yes, and they can do it either through the retreats or they can do it by coming and guesting in a community once the communities go online, they can apply to go and spend a week, six months, a year or whatever as a transient resident in any number of the communities. They can simply move around communities as well, until they find that they want to settle in one place. And the land holdings are growing and accumulating at such a rate of knots. So you can then build out what you want to build out, provided that it conforms to the elemental practices that we’re engaged with and provided it’s in attunement with the logic that we’re deploying with the bio-architecture, which is connected to paramagnetics and dielectrics; it’s to do with marrying the atmosphere to the Earth in the right way, in a way which is conducive to health and wellness, and happiness, abundance and prosperity. Again, this is pure science.

Seven years ago, ten years ago, fifteen years ago you could have shot me down on talking about this stuff as though I was a complete loony toon, but today we have proven it out; Professor Konstantin Korotkov, Dan Winter, Nassim Haramein, very great minds have proven out much of this stuff nowadays. So, it’s just a question of us wanting now sufficiently to withdraw from the old order of things, which is entropic, intellectually dead and physically very harmful, and step out of that and step into the new. I believe that every single human being that has warm blood, and I don’t mean that as a joke, will resonate absolutely to this. This is the coming of age. It’s our graduation. It’s also the only exit strategy that is really presenting itself that I can see.

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DM: Speaking of exit strategies, I’ve been drawing some comparisons with Michael Tellinger’s work in Ubuntu Contributionism, I know he’s been working with the New Earth Nation a lot. Like you said, you don’t want to see fractal communities all over the place and not having any purpose, but do you see that with time those communities, as Michael Tellinger describes, will become an example that then cascades into affecting everyone in terms of cities and towns everywhere and creating that domino effect?

SS: Yes, of course! What I meant by I don’t want to see tens of thousands of fractal communities staying as fractal communities is of course that I want to see millions of fractal communities, but I want to see them evolve into the next stage of evolution; which will be, if you study Mandelbrot or M-set mathematics, which is fractality and the premise of all that we’re witnessing in computers nowadays for the record. But if you understand how fractality works, it looks very ordered at certain points and then it breaks off into this completely kind of disparate weirdness, which becomes very inorganic in the
way it looks but it then comes back and regroups.

In the same way I envision, if we’re successful, that our fractal communities will end up hybridizing into all sorts of weird and wonderful expressions of architecture and buildout and homes and communities and villages and homesteads. The fractal is really the node. The fractal community is the node point. It’s like the cluster, which is a necessary point, the acupressure point, of where that logic that we’re deploying is most infused. But then I would like to see people building out and creating their own realities. People are able to do that even now with the master planning that we’re doing in the community models. There are plots of land adjunct to the fractal communities where people can simply take on a plot of land and build out what the hell they want, provided it doesn’t contaminate the other community.

DM: Right, which inherently pulls people off the grid, out of the city structure and the toxicity that that involves…

SS: Yes, the square walls, that’s correct; the angles which trap negative energy and the copper wires which are emitting completely rogue radiation and poisoning us and giving us cancers, the fluorescent and mercury infused light bulbs which are poisoning us and dulling our pineal functions. We’ve got water gushing through piping beneath us, above us, and around us. That water is also highly entropic; it’s very, very dangerous water. All municipal water is highly toxic. And it’s not just toxic to drink, it’s toxic to sit next to, to sleep next to, because it’s carrying fractal emissions which are utterly rogue and those fractal emissions are coming into our bio-circuitry and are completely short-circuiting our immortality.

So we’re constantly under siege and under attack from everything that conspires to become our built environment. And that’s not even getting into the serpent culture of the Freemasons and the secret societies that have infected the municipal planning from Washington, D.C. to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia; these bizarre Masonic agendas, which have sought to inculcate satanic ritualism into the city grids, and so on, and so on, and so on.

Stepping out of all of that deviation into a logically construed fractal New Earth community, well, if somebody regards that as being transhumanist and a new world order, because we’re being accused by a few detractors of simply trying to harvest people into this kind of utopian mythos before we set about sacrificing them, for God’s sake. Well, I would sooner move into a New Earth fractal community than stay in a city grid literally being poisoned in my sleep.

DM: It’s true, from every angle. Once you realize and start taking note of all these things around us that are just killing us…

SS: Yeah. Study the bio-architecture that we have developed over many years, and we are now putting out, which is going to be comprising the New Earth communities. You will not believe the advanced science that we have been discovering in the bio-architecture. Using the sacred number that we have been working with, predicated on the most perfect organic forms, Fibonacci sequencing, M-set mathematical sequencing, paramagnetics, and dielectrics, and the earthing and grounding that we’re doing; the fractal flow that we’ve managed to harness, we’re growing plants 300 to 350% stronger and taller by simply charging seeds in the center of the bio-architecture prototypes that we’ve built in Asia.

So we’ve created already extraordinary living environments that are feeding and infusing the DNA and the mitochondria into its true default. And that’s when it’s going to start getting exciting. When people move into these communities and start living to 150, 170 years of age without any difficulty. Indeed if you ask me, we should be living to many hundreds of years of age without faltering. That is hard-wired into our biology. Ignore every single professor of biology who will state otherwise. Ignore all of them. They are all rendered moot in the face of what we are discovering in the here and now. And that is because we are not transfixed to the delusions and the illusions that academia have been trading with themselves and with the world for millennia. We are no longer part of that transfixation, thank you. We have transcended it and we’re discovering for ourselves true origin. I speak to Michael Tellinger there, Sitchin, and all the great and good folks who have been doing extraordinary work in that area.

But in all the sciences…look at the pyramids being discovered, from Bosnia now to China and elsewhere. Extraordinary! Eyes wide shut. These monoliths, these megaliths, the biggest structures on the face of the Earth, they’ve been staring at us and we couldn’t even see them. It’s extraordinary and it’s about the magic and the dream spelling that are falling away, scales are falling away. We’re seeing things that were there all the time, the arcane artifacts, the ancient technologies which have been buried and sequestered on the face of this Earth and within, under the surface of this Earth for millennia are also coming to light now and so it goes on.

DM: There’s one last thing, it’s a question I pulled from the New Earth Nation Facebook page and I’d like to get your take on it. Someone asked, “How is this different from the Venus Project?”

SS: Well, very simply put, the Venus Project deals with centralized grids and we talk about decentralized grids. We’re not looking to utopianize cities. That is what the Venus Project is doing and doing with great gravity and great beauty. We are the opposite. We’re talking about decentralizing and getting people out of cities.

Cities are miasms. Cities are cancers. If you look at a body where you have a tumor, that is a miasm. A miasm is an energetic dysfunction that occurs. It’s either imposed or it occurs from some mutation in and of itself. But once that miasm occurs it accretes into a tumor and when that tumor is out of control it becomes a cancer and the cancer kills. A city, Rome, London or Londinium, to use its true name, Washington, all of these cities are the most egregious cancers. They are cancers in waiting. They are miasms, tumors. They are accreted false values, idolatry, and worship of false light. That is what brings people to cities. It is the promise, the lure of gold, and the lure of success, of whatever. It doesn’t matter; it’s false light worship, it’s Luciferianism. Cities are the accreted value of Luciferianism and we need to ultimately disengage from those miasms in order to get the body back into its true default. People need to leave those artificial vertical high-rises and go back into the agrarian communities where the soles of their feet reconnect with the elemental intelligence of the Earth and thereby boot them back into the immortal paradigm.

So we’re kind of being drawn upward in cities, falsely, as a Luciferian promise, the citadels of Babel drawing us up toward the atmosphere where we’re trying to reconnect with Yahweh and Jehovah and Zod the Almighty; these aggressive, angry, jealous old gods, these sons of bitches that really need to leave us once and for all. That’s my humor; you can ignore that last bit.

DM: No, that’s great. And I think that totally hits the point, for people coming at this from a very surface level; they’ll look the same. But you’ve described a very key difference.

SS: And I’m friendly with Jacques Fresco. The last time he came to London, he and Roxanne spent the whole day here.

DM: Well, thanks Sacha. I appreciate this and it’s great to be able to really speak with you and get your take on all of this. Hopefully we do get to the point where this is just understood and people participate and engage with it.

SS: Thank you, God bless. Bye now.